Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good facial care that removes dark spots left from acne

« ...Acne and pregnancy got linked with each other. Acne during pregnancy is quite common, whether pregnant woman previously had such problem or not. Acne during pregnancy is very common noticed particularly in first trimester during which, the levels of female hormones are increased. Progesterone is the hormone, which is more androgenic (male hormone-like) than estrogen and can give rise to the secretions of the skin glands to increase that in turn, ends up in occurring acne. After the first trimester, progesterone is formed by the placenta rather than the ovaries, so acne generally gets cleared up....
...This indicates that your body is able to get rid of any of the toxins in a quite and more effective manner. Any sort of hormonal imbalance is rectified. Regular exercise also reduces stress. Stress may be a main cause of acne formation....»
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«...Secondly, there is a school of though that eating fatty foods creates an environment that encourages the skin to also become greasy thus encouraging this bacterial infection, So, you may not want to hear this, but fried foods, including French fries, pizzas, bacon, you know - all the good things in life, should be cut down, and in their place, eat far more fresh fruits and vegetables. This in fact will stand you in good stead to a healthier life anyway, but it may also reduce your 'zit harvest'....»
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tags: how to get rid of acne with homemade ingredients, does clean and clear advantage acne cleanser work, top 5 acne treatments with prescription

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